
Culinary Historians
of Washington, D.C.



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Food, Culture and Society

Warren Belasco reports that Food, Culture and Society in 2004 became the new name for The Journal for the Study of Food and Society, the official publication of the Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS), a multidisciplinary international organization dedicated to exploring the complex relationships among food, culture, and society. Its members approach the study of food from numerous disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, as well as in the world of food beyond the academy. Striving to represent the highest standards of research and scholarship in all aspects of food studies, vigorous debate on a wide range of topics and problems is encouraged.

Two issues per year are published. Submissions of articles are not limited to ASFS members. Submitted manuscripts should report original work not previously published, nor in press or under consideration for publication elsewhere. Papers should be submitted via email, in Word, using a recognized citation format. Manuscripts will receive a blind peer review by members of the ASFS Board of Editors and ad hoc referees, with a speedy and collegial review process promised.

For more information, contact Warren Belasco, c/o American Studies Dept., University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 21250; (202) 291-4756; belasco@umbc.edu.

For more information about ASFS: http://food-culture.org/.

The Digest

The Foodways Section of the American Folklore Society publishes The Digest: An Interdisciplinary Study of Food and Foodways. Scholarly papers, field reports, review essays, notices of events, and other materials for possible inclusion can be sent to:
Lucy Long, Department of Popular Culture
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH 43403
Telephone: (419) 372-7862
email: LUCYL@bgnet.bgsu.edu

The Virginia Culinary Thymes

The Peacock-Harper Culinary History Committee at Virginia Tech, in Blacksburg, VA, invites members of the Culinary Historians of Washington, DC to write for our quarterly newsletter, The Virginia Culinary Thymes. (See www.culinarycollection.org for more information.)

